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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1493   View pdf image (33K)
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Otters in said county ; also repealing Section 189 of the same
Article 10, and re-enacting the same with amendments..........
No. 507. An Act to appropriate the sum of two hundred dollars
per annum to Cassie Alexander, of Harford county, for and


during her life, payable quarterly, she formerly having been a
teacher in the public schools for nearly twenty years ..........
No. 508. An Act to incorporate the Real Estate, Loan and Bank-


ing Company of Baltimore city.................................
No. 509. An Act to repeal Sections 54, 55, 56 and 66 of Article 48
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland of 1904, title
"Inspections," sub-title "State Horticultural Department,"
and to re-enact the same with amendments, and to add a new
section to said Article 48, to follow Section 55, and to be desig-


nated as 55 A ............................ ....................
No. 510. An Act to amend the charter of the city of Frederick by
adding an additional section to Article 11 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick County," sub-title
"Frederick," to follow 235, and to be known as Section 235 A,
authorizing the Mayor and Aldermen of Frederick to borrow
sufficient money, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, to pay
for the remodeling, etc., of the city hall building in Frederick


city, and to issue the obligation of the city therefor, etc........
No. 511. An Act to encourage the killing of hawks and owls in


Charles county................................. ..............
No. 512. An Act to incorporate the Nottingham Gun and Rod Club


of Prince George's county, Maryland ..........................
No. 513. An Act to adopt Mary Catharine Lutz as the daughter of


William H. Routzahn .........................................
No. 514. An Act to authorize and direct the County Commission-
ers of Washington county to levy a sum of money to refund to
Abraham K. Snyder of said county, certain taxes erroneously


paid by him...................................................
No. 515. An Act to add a new section to Chapter 599 of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, Session of 1904, entitled "An Act
to incorporate The Riverton Telephone Company," to be desig-
nated as Section 1A, and to follow Section 1, and to repeal and


re-enact Section 3 of said Act ................................
No. 516. An Act to make valid deeds, mortgages, bonds of con-


edgment, affidavit, certificate or recording thereof....... ......
No. 517. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland to the conveyance of a lot of ground
in the city of Baltimore, by lease from George L. Plitt and
Katie V.. Plitt, his wife, to the trustees of Salem Church of the


United Brethren in Christ.....................................
No. 518. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
98 of Article 5 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Calvert


County," sub-title " Liquors and Intoxicating Drinks." ........
No. 519. An Act to amend Article 22 of the Code of Public Loca:
Laws, entitled "Washington County," sub-title "Hagerstown"
by adding a new section thereto, to follow immediately after


Section 171, and to be known as Section 171 A......... .........
No. 520. An Act to repeal Sections 8 and 12 of Chapter 514 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1493   View pdf image (33K)
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