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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1492   View pdf image (33K)
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1894, and Chapter 542 of the Acts of 1904, and to repeal and


re-enact with amendments Sections 5 and 8 of this Article......
No. 492. An Act to add five new sections to Article 1 of the Public
Local Laws of Maryland, entitled "Allegany County," sub-title
" Dogs and Sheep," for the purpose of encouraging sheep rais-


ing and providing protectien for loss of sheep .................
No. 493. An Act to regulate and control the racing of horses and
the making of books, pools and bets on the results of such
racing in Allegany county, and to provide for the filling of


vacancies in the membership of such commission...............
No. 494. An Act to establish a New Election District in Dorches-
ter county, to be known as the Seventeenth or Salem Election
District of Dorchester county ; providing for the appointment
of public officials for said district, giving the residents of said
district fishing privileges in the Transquakin and Chicacomico
rivers, and prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in said


district .................. ..................................

No. 495. An Act to authorize and direct the Baltimore County
Commissioners to have Finger Boards placed at all public road


crossings in Baltimore county ................................
No. 496. An Act to incorporate "The Riverton Canning Com-


pany ".......................................................
No. 497. An Act to incorporate the town of Barton, Allegheny


county, Maryland ................................ ...........
No. 498. An Act to repeal and re-enact Section 2 of Chapter 339


of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1904 ......
No. 499. An Act to incorporate the town of Pittsville, of Wicomico


county, Maryland ............................................
No. 500. An Act to incorporate the Suburban Trust and Building


Company ....................................................
No. 501. An Act to repeal Section 366 of Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title " Railroad obstructing — jumping on


cars," in so far as it applies to Garrett county ................
No. 502. An Act to make an appropriation for the Iceboat Annap-


olis ............. ......................... .................
No. 503. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
355 of Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, known as the Code of 1904, title "Corporations," sub-title


"Turnpike, Plank Road and Passenger Railway Companies.".....
No. 504. An Act to appropriate a sum of money for the painting
of the portraits of Matthew Tilghman and Governor Robert
Bowie, to be placed in the State House at Annapolis, in the


State of Maryland.............................................
No. 505. An Act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly
of Maryland to the bequest of one thousand dollars to the
Church of Christ in Hagerstown, Md., contained in the last
will and testament of Sarah C. Eavey, bearing date March 25,
1904, and recorded in Liber J, folios 540, etc., in the office of the


Register of Wills of Washington county ......................
No. 506. An Act to repeal Chapter 110 of the Acts of 1892, repeal-
ing and re-enacting with amendments Section 188 of Article 10
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County,"
sub-title "Furs," relating to the protection of muskrats and


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1492   View pdf image (33K)
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