No. 478. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay Isaac
Benesch & Sons, Minch & Eisenbrey, George Geddes, Uriah
Pollock and George Higgins, for furniture, etc., furnished the
Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland ..................
No. 479. An Act to add a new section to Article 39 of the Code of
Public General Laws, "Fish and Fisheries," sub-title "Trout
and other Fish," to follow Section 78 H of said Article, as
amended by Chapter 358 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland, Session 1902, and to be designated Section 78I.......
No. 480. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland to the deed from William E. Hargest
et al. Trustee, to the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in the North Baltimore Station, in the city of Baltimore,
dated April 19, 1848, and recorded among the land records of
Baltimore city, in Liber A. W. B. No. 399, folio 43, etc..........
No. 481. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland to sundry gifts, bequests and
devises contained in the last will and testaments of certain per-
sons deceased, and also to certain gifts, grants, sales, leases
and deeds made by various persons to and for the use and
benefit of sundry ministerial persons, religious corporations,
educational institutions, denominations or sects, and to certain
charitable institutions hereinafter named ......................
No. 482. An Act to authorize the Commission heretofore appointed
by the Governor, by authority of Chapter 181 of the Acts of
1902, and continue its duties as defined by said Act, and make
available for use of said commission the unexpended balance
appropriated by said Act of 1902, confirmed by Chapter 293 of
the Acts of 1904...............................................
No. 483. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
32 of Article 11 of the Code of Public General Laws of 1904, title
" Banks," as enacted by the Acts of 1886, Chapter 501 .........
No. 485. An Act to grant and declare the sanction and consent of
the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest of twenty-
five hundred dollars contained in the will of the late Lloyd
Lowndes, recorded in the office of the register of wills of Alle-
gany county, to the vestry of Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal
Church of Cumberland .......................................
No...486. An Act to further amend an Act entitled " An A.ct to incor-
porate the Mutual Insurance Company of Frederick County,"
passed at December Session, 1843, Chapter 199 ................
No. 487. An Act to authorize the Maryland Agricultural College
to convey a strip of land lying along Paint Branch, in Prince
George's county.............................................
No'. 488. An Act to incorporate the West Baltimore Bank, located
in the City of Baltimore ......................................
No. 489. An Act to repeal Chapter 429 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, entitled " An Act to amend the charter
and extend the powers of the Agricultural Fair Association of
Prince George's county........................................
No. 490. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
5 of Article 3 of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, title " Balti-
more County," sub-title " Birds and Game," as amended by
Chapter 35 of the Acts of 1890, and Chapter 122 of the Acts of