Land Records of Dorchester county ; and (3) to a certain gift,
grant, deed and conveyance of certain lands lying in Dorches-
ter county, near the town of East New Market, made by Wil-
liam M. Fletcher and Sarah C. Fletcher, his wife, unto Fred-
erick Pegelow and others, trustees, in trust, for the use and
benefit of the German Salem Church, of East New Market, in
Dorchester county, the said deed being dated the 22d day of No-
vember, A! D. 1899, and recorded among the Land Records of
Dorchester county in Liber C. L. No. 25, folio 120 ; and (4) to a
certain gift, grant, deed and conveyance of the lauds just men-
tioned in paragraph 3, from the said Frederick Pegelow and
others, trustees as aforesaid, unto the Trustees of Salem Ger-
man Evangelical Church of East New Market, Dorchester
county and State of Maryland, in communion with the German
Evangelical Synod of North America, a corporation incorpo-
rated under the Jaws of Maryland, the said deed being dated
the 7th day of February, A. D. 1903, and recorded among the
Land Records of Dorchester county, in Liber C. L. No. 28, folio
32; and (5) to a certain gift, grant, deed and conveyance of
certain lands lying in Dorchester county, in the town of Cam-
bridge, made by W. Lake Robinson unto the Trustees of Grace
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Cambridge, Maryland,
a corporation under the laws of Maryland, the said deed being
Land Records of Dorchester county, in LiberC. L. No. 24, folio490
No. 152. An Act to repeal Section 8 of Article 4, entitled "City of
Baltimore," of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, as
amended by Chapter 616 of the Acts of the General Assembly,
passed at the January Session, 1904, and to re-enact said
Section 8 with amendments................................
No. 153. An Act to repeal Section 125 of Article 10 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title. "Jus-
tice of the Peace and Constables," as re-enacted by Chapter
272 of the Acts passed at the January Session, 1888, and to
re-enact the same with amendments .......................
No. 154. An Act to change the name of the Montgomery Electric
Light and Railway Company of Montgomery County to the
Sandy Spring Railway Company, and to amend the charter of
said corporation by adding a new section, to be known as Sec-
tion 1 A ...................................................
No. 155. An Act to authorize and require the County Commis-
sioners of Baltimore county to make a special levy of not more
than twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of the assess-
able property in Tuxedo Park, in Baltimore county, for the
purpose of bettering the roads, sidewalks, sanitary measures,
drainage and other improvements in said park, if twenty or
more persons owning taxable property in said park shall peti-
tion annually therefor ....................................
No. 15G. An Act exempting the Elk's Club of Frederick city from
the provisions of the Act of Assembly of 1898, Chapter 246.....
No. 157. An Act to repeal Sections 13 and 14 of Article 39 of the
Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Fish and Fisheries,"
sub-title "Patapsco" .......................................
No. 158. An Act to repeal Section 840 of Acts of 1898, Chapter 123,
being an Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Article 4
of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, relating to Baltimore