No. 142. An Act to authorize and direct the Board of Fire Com-
missioners of the city of Baltimore to place on the pension roll
of the Baltimore City Fire Department, William C. McAfee,
formerly Chief Engineer of the Fire Department ............
No. 143. An" Act to regulate the compensation of the County
Commissioners of Allegany county, as to repeal all laws incon-
sistent herewith ..........................................
No. 144. An Act to amend Article 4, "City of Baltimore," of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, by repealing and
re-enacting with amendments sub-section "Sewers," of Section
6, title "General Powers" .................................
No. 145. An Act to authorize the Governor, the Comptroller of
the Treasury and the Treasurer to sell, lease or otherwise dis-
pose of, in whole or in part, to the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, any or all of the parcels of property of the State of
Maryland, or any interest or interests therein involved In the
widening of Light street, in the city of Baltimore, from Pratt
street to Lee, street, as now or hereafter proposed by the Burnt
District Commission .......................................
No. 140. An Act to authorize and direct the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore to appropriate a sum of money out of the
Burnt District Benefit Assessment Fund for the improvement
of the tract of land near Loch Raven, in Baltimore county, be-
. longing to the House of Refuge, and for the erection of build-
ings suitable for the purpose of the House of Refuge thereon,
and for furnishing and equipping the same..................
No. 147. An Act to incorporate the Mortgage Loan and Guaran-
tee Company .............................................
No. 148. An Act to regulate the time for taking, catching or
gathering hard shell crabs in the waters in the State of Mary-
No. 149. An Act to preserve the county roads of the Thirteenth
election district of Baltimore county by regulating the width
for cattle, bricks, clay, sand and gravel over said roads ......
No. 150. An Act exempting the Eagles' Club of Frederick city
from the provisions of the Act of Assembly of 1898, Chapter 24G
No. 151. An Act to declare the sanction and consent of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland (1) to a certain gift, grant, deed
and conveyance of certain lands lying in Dorchester county, on
Taylor's Island, made by Jeremiah Spicer and others unto
Lewis D. Travers and others, trustees, in trust for the use and
benefit of certain churches in Dorchester county, in said State,
embraced in Dorchester circuit of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, South, the said deed being dated the 27th day of Au-
gust, A. D. 1891, and recorded among the Land Records of Dor-
chester county in Liber C. L. No. 16, folio 93 ; and (2) to a cer-
tain gift, grant, deed and conveyance of the lands first herein
mentioned from the said Lewis D. Travers and others, trustees
as aforesaid, and from Jeremiah Spicer and others and from
Lewis D. Travers and others unto the Trustees of Bethlehem
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, of Taylor's Island, in Dor-
chester county, Maryland, a corporation incorporated under
the laws of Maryland. The said deed is dated the 28th day of
October, A. D. 1905, and is about to be recorded among the