joint use of the Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
roads, the cost of one-half being estimated by the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company at $1,844,384, and to also pre-
vent the said road from charging the said Branch the cost
required for the coal yard to be used jointly with the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company, the cost of which is esti-
mated by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company at
$431,239. And to compel the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company to pay all the net earnings of the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, as is provided for by the
Acts of Incorporation of the Washington Branch of the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad, with interest thereon, and generally
to account with and pay over to the State of Maryland any
and all sums of money that the State may. be entitled to
receive from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from any and
all sources as a stockholder of the Washington Branch of the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and all interest due
And be it further resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
Interests and
land, That the said Joint Special Committee of the General
Assembly of Maryland shall consist of four members of the
Senate, to be appointed by the President of the Senate and
five members of the House of Delegates, to be appointed
by the Speaker of the House, and in addition the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House shall be mem-
bers ex-officio, to be appointed and constituted immediately
upon the passage of this Joint Resolution, and the said
Joint Special Committee shall thoroughly inquire into the
value of the shares of stock owned and held by the State
of Maryland in the Washington Branch of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company and into the policy on the part
of the State of selling or retaining the same, and inquire
into all property, franchises, rights, revenues and assets
which may be owned or controlled by the Washington
Branch, or to which it may be entitled in the District of
Columbia or elsewhere, and into the value and status thereof
and into all matters whatsoever, directly or indirectly ger-
mane, relating to the several matters aforesaid, or any of the.
And be it further resolved by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That for and singular the various purposes and ends
aforesaid, and generally for and in exercise of all the powers
Joint special