Railroad to participate in the terminal facilities in the Dis-
trict of Columbia, or to compel the payment to the State of
its portion of the net surplus revenue of the Washington
Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which net sur-
plus revenue has been withheld since the year 1897 for the
avowed purpose of constructing terminal facilities in the city
of Washington, which surplus revenue is estimated at
2. To require the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to
pay to the Washington Branch the $1,500,000 appropriated
by the Congress of the United States for the surrender of
certain property of the Washington Branch of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad in the District of Columbia.
3. To restrain the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad from
disposing of property owned by the Washington Branch of
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in the District of Colum-
bia, not purchased by Congress and still owned by the said
Branch, the value of which is estimated by the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company at $870,936.
4. To compel the payment by the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad to the Washington Branch of all net earnings and
interest due from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company
on monies of the Washington Branch held and used by the
said Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company from 1897 to
date, which is estimated at $200,000.
5. To take the proper legal action to prevent the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Company from compelling the
Washington Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
from paying one-half of the cost of the coach yard for the