Assented to by the General Assembly of Maryland, at a session
begun on the third day of January, and ended on the
second day of April, 1906.
No. 1.
Joint Resolution appointing four members of the bar of the
State of Maryland to act as attorneys and solicitors for
the State of Maryland in association with the Attorney
General to represent and protect its interests, rights and
properties in the Washington Branch of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad Company and in various matters pertaining
thereto, and particularly to institute and conduct proceed-
ings to protect and promote the interests of the State
relating to the several matters aforesaid and appointing a
Joint Special Committee of the General Assembly of Mary-
land to conduct inquiries concerning the rights and inter-
ests of the State of Maryland in the Washington Branch
of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad growing out of the
shares of stock owned by the State therein, and to take
any action or cause the same to be taken to protect and
promote the interests of the State relating to any and all
matters aforesaid, and empowering the said Joint Special
Committee to employ means and agencies for the perform-
ance of its duties and the execution of the purposes of its
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Honorable Wm. Pinkney Whyte, the Honorable John Prentiss
Poe, the Honorable Thomas G. Hayes and the Honorable
Isaac Lobe Straus, members of the bar of the State of Mary-
land, be and they are hereby appointed special attorneys
and solicitors for the State of Maryland to institute, con-
duct, manage and conclude, in association with the Attorney