tised, and the county surveyor shall receive the sum of five
dollars and a reasonable allowance for expenses not personal
for each and every plat and description so made and delivered,
said sum to be taxed as part of the cost and paid out of the
proceeds of the sale of said land or by the delinquent tax-
payer, if payment is made before the day of sale ; provided,
that this section shall not apply to lots of sub-division in
said town, but such lots shall be sold entire, and the adver-
tisement thereof shall be a sufficient description to give the
number of such lot, block and a reference to the plat of the sub-
division where said lot is located, and the place where said
plat is recorded ; (e) that the clerk and treasurer shall, within
CHAP. 826
thirty days after the close of the sale or sales made herein
provided for, make a full report of sales to the Circuit Court
for Montgomery county, setting forth his proceedings in the
premises in detail, and showing to whom and what price such
several parcels were severally sold, the amounts of tax, the
interest accrued, proportional cost of advertising such sale,
cost of marking, reporting said sales, including a reasonable
counsel fee, and for the surplus fund in each instance with
such report ; he shall also file a copy of the printed list and
notice aforesaid. The court shall examine the said proceed-
ings, and if the same appears to be regular and the provis-
ions of the law in relation thereto have been substantially
complied with, shall order notice to be given by advertise-
ment in such newspaper or newspapers as the court shall
direct, warning all persons interested in the property sold to
be and appear in said court by a certain day to be named in
said order to show cause, if any they have, why said sale or
sales should not be ratified and confirmed ; and in those cases
where no cause or an insufficient cause be shown against
such ratification, the court shall in one order ratify and con-
firm the sale or sales so made, and the purchaser or pur-
chasers shall, on payment of the purchase money, have a
good title to the property sold ; but if good judgment in the
judgment of the court be shown in the premises in relation
to any parcel of land sold, said sale shall be set aside ; as to
such parcel the clerk and treasurer who made such sale, and
having been set aside, shall, within thirty days, proceed to a
new sale of the property and bring the proceeds into court,
out of which the purchaser shall be paid the purchase money
paid by him to the said clerk and treasurer on said rejected
Report of
sales made
to court