CHAP. 826
upon which taxes are due and in arrears, a brief de-
scription of the property and such references as to con-
veyances as will render the same easy for identification, and
the amount of taxes levied and in the arrears, with interest
and cost accrued thereon to the day of sale ; to which list
list of taxes
made out,
shall be appended a notice that if said tax or taxes are not
paid on or before the second Monday in May next ensuing,
together with the interest accrued thereon and the propor-
tionate cost of advertising and fees, the clerk and treasurer
will proceed at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. on said second
Monday in May, in front of the town hall door, to offer each
and every piece and parcel of land for sale to the highest
bidder for cash, which said list and notice shall be published
in some newspaper in Montgomery county for four consecu-
tive weeks prior to the second Monday in March ; and on
said second Monday in May the said clerk and treasurer
shall, at the hour and place named in the advertisement, pro-
ceed to sell any and all such pieces or parcels of land
premises beginning with the first parcel on said list and so
on in order upon which taxes, interest, cost and fees shall
not then have been paid, and shall continue such sale each
secular day (legal holidays excepted), from ten o'clock A. M.
until three o'clock P. M., until every parcel shall have been
Real estate
sold to pay
offered ; (d) that the real estate of a delinquent taxpayer
may be sold to pay said corporation tax whether there be
personal property or not ; whenever it shall be necessary for
the clerk and treasurer to sell the entire real property
with which a delinquent taxpayer is assessed, he shall
estimate the quantity thereof which in his judgment will be
sufficient to pay the taxes in arrears, interest, cost and
expenses as herein set forth, and shall require the county
surveyor to lay off and make a plat and description of the
same, and the part laid off shall be sold by the plat and
description so made, and it shall be sufficient in the adver-
tisement of the list of delinquent taxpayers to designate the
quality of land to be sold from the property described as per
plat and description to be exhibited at the time of the sale,
and in each case of sale the clerk and treasurer shall file such
plat and description with his report of sale, and the county
surveyor is hereby required to make all plats and descriptions
required hereunder, and to complete and deliver the same to
the clerk and treasurer on or before the day of sale, as adver-