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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1410   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 826


press and remove all nuisances, prevent the sale of adulterated
or decayed food and prohibit any and all business within the
corporate limits as may injuriously affect sanitary conditions.
(h) (3) They shall establish the grades of the streets, gutters
and sidewalks of said town, fix the width thereof, and describe
the material of which they shall be constructed, cause the
sidewalks along the public streets to be graded, paved,
repaved or improved at the cost and expense of the owners of
the abutting property, which cost, in case the work is done
by order of the Council after twenty-one days' notice to the
owner or owners of such property, shall be a lien on such
abutting property, and recoverable by action of law or in.
the manner provided by law for the collection of delinquent
general taxes of the town; or compel by fines or otherwise
the owners of properties of any such lot or lots to grade,
pave or repair the sidewalks or set curbs in front thereof
agreeable to ordinances which may hereafter be passed.
(4) To open and keep open and free from obstruction all
streets, public squares and reservations, grade and pave
or alter the same ; and their rights and powers and duties
in relation thereto shall except hereinafter otherwise pre-
scribed by the Code of Public General Laws of this State
for opening, altering and closing public roads by the board
of County Commissioners with the right of appeal to the
circuit court for Montgomery county. (5) To keep the
streets and crossings and town bridges clean and in repair.
(6) Adequately provide for the maintenance of an efficient
police department and fire department. (7) To light the
streets, public squares and reservations. (8) To compel the
owners of property or tenants to keep the sidewalks clean
and in repair. (9) To impose a tax on dogs, fowls, hogs
and other animals running at large, or totally prohibit the
same. (10) To authorize the use of the streets for railroads
operated by electricity, steam or other mechanical motive
power, and to regulate the same, as to grade and crossings,
paving between outside tracks and otherwise ; to require and
compel all lines of railway in any one street to run one and
use one and the same track, and keep in repair the bridges
and crossings through which or over which their cars run.
(11) To prescribe fines and penalties and forfeitures for the
violation of their ordinances, including the committal of offend-
ers to the Montgomery county jail until the same, with costs,

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1410   View pdf image (33K)
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