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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1411   View pdf image (33K)
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are paid. (12) The Council shall have the power to grant
licenses for stores, shops, stands, games, amusements,
shows, theatrical exhibitions ; for all hawking, peddling or
vending of wares or merchandise of every description, upon
the streets or highways of the town ; to issue licenses or
permits to all itinerant persons or companies or corporations
who dispense medicine or medical advice ; to demand a
license from all players or showmen exhibiting within the
town; to provide for the licensing of theatres and to regu-
late and restrain theatrical or other public amusements
within the said town ; to regulate and license hacking,
carriages, cars or other vehicles used in the town for carriage
of passengers and travellers ; to regulate and license auction-
eers who cry sales upon the public streets, provided that no
greater sum than one hundred dollars be charged for any
license ; provided, that nothing contained in this paragraph
shall authorize the licensing, permitting or doing of any-
thing prohibited by the general laws of the State or local
laws applicable to Montgomery county. (13) The Council
shall have the power to establish and regulate a station
house lockup for the temporary confinement of violators of
the laws and ordinance of the town. (14) The Council shall
have the power to suppress vagrancy, tramps and gypsies,
commonly known as nomads. (15) The Council shall have
the power to prohibit, suppress and restrain the keeping of
bawdy houses or house of ill-fame or disorderly houses
within the corporate limits of said town, and to provide for
the punishment of all persons who shall keep or suffer to be
kept in, upon or on their property any such house or houses.
(16) The Council shall have power to regulate the speed of
all conveyances upon the streets or any public highway or
road within the town, such as carriages, bicycles, autocycles,
motorcycles, automobiles, locomobiles and street cars. (17)
The Council shall have the power to annually levy a water tax
for the use of water provided by the town. (18) The Council
shall have the power to cause and compel all railroad cor-
porations to light all street crossings over or by which their
cars pass. (19) The Council shall have the power to prohibit
and provide for the punishment of all wife beaters, habitual
drunkards, loafers, vagrants, tramps, beggars, disorderly
characters, disturbers of religious meetings or public meet-
ings or disturbers of the peace and quiet of the town. (20)

CHAP. 826


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1411   View pdf image (33K)
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