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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1409   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That the Council shall receive
all returns of election and determine all questions arising
thereunder, but any person considering himself aggrieved
by such decision may appeal therefrom to the Circuit Court
of Montgomery county within ten days after said election,
which court shall hear and determine such appeal and
decide who shall pay the cost thereof.

SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That the Council is hereby

CHAP. 826

Receive all
returns of
election, etc.

authorized to prepare a plat of said town, upon which shall
be shown all streets, roads and public ways, whether hereto-
fore laid out or projected, and by which all lots and prop-
erty therein shall afterward be described to control the sub-
division ,of all land and property within the corporate limits
of said town ; to establish building lines, and compel all
persons erecting buildings in said town to conform thereto.
The Council shall have the power, and it shall be their duty
to pass such ordinances as may be necessary, proper and
beneficial for the enforcement of the provisions of this
charter not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Mary-
land. (1) To preserve the peace, good order and best
interest of the town. (2) To maintain its cleanliness and
health, and to this end : (a) They shall have the same
powers of the State board of health within the corporate
limits of said town and one-fourth of a mile outside thereof
in every direction. (b) The Council may adopt and pro-
vide for an efficient system of drainage, (c) They shall
have full power to regulate privies, specify the character
of boxes and other fixtures for them, and the mode ir
which they shall be emptied and their contents removed, as
well as the disposition of said contents ; and they shall pro-
hibit the construction or maintenance of privy sinks, cesspools
and other depositories of filth within the corporate limits.
(d) They shall provide for the inspection and cleanliness of
privies, yards and stores, (e) They shall regulate the loca-
tion, inspection and cleanliness of dairies, stables, cowyards
and pens, all factories and other places of business likely to
be or become detrimental to health, and shall maintain a
good sanitary condition in the streets, public places and
buildings. (f) They shall provide for the frequent inspectior
of all premises by such person or persons designated by the
health officer, (g) They shall pass such ordinances as may
be deemed necessary to preserve the health of the town, sup-


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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1409   View pdf image (33K)
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