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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1408   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 826

for the enforcement of all ordinances of the town, and it
shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that all officers under
him shall impartially do their duty as required by law. The
clerk shall keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Coun-
cil in a bound book, but with the consent of the Council the
clerk will be allowed to keep the minutes, if typewritten, in
a loose leave journal, but all leaves shall be carefully num-
bered and preserved, and every sixty days shall be bound in
a journal provided for keeping a record of such minutes.
The clerk shall collect and receive the taxes and all other
money due the town, and shall keep and disburse same in
the manner prescribed by the Council, and shall perform such
other duties as the Council may prescribe. The Council may
allow the marshal and deputy marshal, the health officer and
his assistants, and the clerk, such compensation as they may
deem proper.

SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That the Mayor shall have all
the powers of a justice of the peace in criminal cases

Power of a
justice of
the peace.

where the town of Glen Echo is a party, and shall receive
fees allowed justices of the peace in similar cases, and an
appeal from his judgment when the demand or fine exceeds
five dollars may be taken to the Circuit Court for the county,
which shall hear and determine the matter as upon appeal
from justices of the peace.

SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the marshal and health
officer shall attend the meetings of the Council when

Attend meet-
ings of

requested and perform such other duties as the Council may
direct ; the marshal shall preserve the peace and good order
of the town, and for this purpose he is invested with the
power and authority as any constable under the laws of the
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the Council and all

Oath taken.

other officers of the corporation shall before they enter upon
the duties of their respective offices take oath that they will
faithfully and diligently discharge the duties of their respec-
tive offices without favor, partiality or prejudice, and said
oath shall be filed among the records of the corporation.

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the clerk and treasurer

Bond given.

shall give bond to the Council in such penalties and with
such sureties as the Council may require, conditioned for the
faithful performance of the duties of the office.

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 1408   View pdf image (33K)
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