absent himself from the town he shall, at the last meeting
preceding his departure, so notify the Council, and the Coun-
cil shall at that meeting elect one of their number to act
during the absence of the Mayor, who shall for the time
being and as long as the absence of the Mayor requires be
clothed with all the powers and authority of said Mayor,
and in case of his action shall act with full power and
authority until the return of the Mayor, and then the
authority and powers of the Mayor pro tern, shall cease.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Council shall meet in
CHAP. 826
some convenient place in said town as often as required by
the duties of their office, meeting not less than once every
month ; a majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of business.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Mayor shall annually,
Place of
on or before the first Thursday in April, appoint three
judges of election, by and with the consent and approval of
the Council ; said judges shall appoint a clerk and shall
conduct an election by ballot in accordance with the provis-
ions of Section 3 of this Act ; the polls to be open at 5
o'clock P. M. and close at 9 o'clock P. M. ; the judges and
clerks shall make their returns to the Council, and also
make their returns to the clerk of the Circuit Court for
Montgomery county as to the result of all elections for the
office of Mayor ; but said judges and clerks shall receive no
compensation for their services ; not more than two of said
judges of election shall be of the same political party.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Mayor, with the con-
sent and approval of the Council, shall appoint one person
Judges of
to be town marshal, one to be health officer, and one to be
clerk and treasurer, to hold office for a term of one year or
until their successors are appointed and qualified ; and the
Council shall fix the compensation of each of said officers
and all subordinates under them, and shall prescribe their
duties except as herein provided. The Mayor shall have the
power to appoint, with the approval and consent of the Coun-
cil, such deputy marshal or marshals, or deputy health
officer or officers, and such assistants as may be necessary
for the enforcement of all ordinances of the town relating to
the public safety, order, health and cleanliness. All ap-
pointed officers of the town shall be under the direct super-
vision of the Mayor, and shall be held responsible to him
Town marshal
officer, clerk
and treas-
urer, etc.,