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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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220. The County Commissioners on the first Tuesday in
April in the year 1906 shall appoint a clerk to said Com-

CHAP. 11

missioners, who shall continue clerk for the term of two
years, his successor to be elected or appointed by said
County Commissioners every two years thereafter, which
said clerk shall be treasurer of said board, and as such shall
receive and deposit as hereinafter prescribed all money that
shall be collected by said collectors of county taxes and all
other money due the county, and shall pay out all money so
received pn the order of the County Commissioners, and he

Clerk to be

shall keep an account with each collector in a book which
must be kept for that purpose, charging said collector with
the whole amount of county assessments in his district and
such other money as may be due there from the county, and
crediting him by amounts paid in, and he shall demand
prompt and regular monthly payments by collectors, make
prompt settlements with them and report every month such
collectors as may be in default to the County Commissioners ;
provided, that in settlements made with the collectors he
shall not allow any delinquencies and insolvencies without
an order for such allowances by the Commissioners; he shall
also keep an account in a proper book between himself and
the Commissioners and charge himself with money received
from any source naming them and credit himself with
amounts paid out, and keep on file the orders of the Com-
missioners as vouchers for the correction of his disburse-
ments, and his books shall always be open to the inspection
of the County Commissioners, and he shall keep open the

Account to be

Commissioner's office from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. each day,
Sundays and holidays excepted, and his compensation as
clerk and treasurer shall be one thousand dollars per year,
and the County Commissioners shall have power to fill any
vacancy however occurring, whenever happening, and are
empowered to remove said clerk and treasurer for any
incompetency or failure to perform his duties.


SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
on the 30th day of April, 1906, but nothing herein shall be
construed to impair or impede any proceedings already
taken or to be taken in the collection of taxes in Somerset
county under existing laws.

Approved February 16, 1906.

How construed

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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