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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 11

"Revenue and Taxes," relating to the appointment of
County Treasurer and Clerk of the County Commissioners
and Collectors of State and County Taxes in Somerset
County, be and the same are hereby repealed and the fol-
lowing sections are enacted in lieu thereof:
213. The county of Somerset shall be divided into four

Collection dis-

collection districts as follows: The first to be composed of
East Princess Anne, Dublin, Westover and Fairmount
election districts; the second of West Princess Anne, St.
Peters, Mt. Vernon, Dames Quarter, Tangiers and Deals
Island election districts; the third of Brinkleys, Lawsons,
Crisfield and Asbury election districts and the fourth of
Smith's Island election districts.
214. The County Commissioners of Somerset county

Collector of
State and
c6unty taxes
to be ap-

shall, on or before the second Tuesday in May in each year,
beginning on the second Tuesday in May in the year 1906,
appoint a Collector of State and County Taxes for each of
said collection districts, who shall execute to the State of
Maryland, on or before the second Tuesday in July then
next succeeding a good and sufficient bond, to be approved
by said County Commissioners in a penalty double the
amount of the State taxes that will be entrusted to him for
collection and conditioned for the true and faithful per-
formance of his duty as collector, and in like manner, on or
before the 2d Tuesday in July in the same year another
bond to the State of Maryland, to be also approved by the
Commissioners in a penalty double the amount of the county
taxes that will be entrusted to him for collection, conditioned
for the true and faithful performance of his duty as collector
of county taxes, and for the faithful performance of all Other
duties devolving upon him as collector of county taxes for
his collection district, and each of said collector's bonds
shall be filed in the office of the Circuit Court for said
county, a certified copy of which shall be sufficient evidence
against either of said collectors; and the County Commis-
sioners of Somerset county are hereby authorized to accept
as security on such bond some safe and reliable insurance,
guaranty, bonding or trust company of the State, if such be
offered, and to pay one-half of the cost of such suretyship
out of any unappropriated money belonging to Somerset
county which may be in hand, the other half of same to be
paid by the collector in each case.

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Session Laws, 1906 Session
Volume 479, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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