respectively, and such as shall have been expended in the
insurance or necessary repairs and care of said property by
the purchaser, if any has been made. (G) That after the
expiration of two years from the date of such sale, provided
the same shall have been ratified by the court, the Mayor
and Council of Glen Echo shall by a good and sufficient
deed executed and acknowledged according to law, convey to
the purchaser or purchasers the parcels of land so sold ;
said deed shall be signed by the Mayor of Glen Echo,
attested by the clerk, with the corporation seal attached.
CHAP. 560
(H) That the Mayor and Council of Glen Echo be and they
are hereby authorized and empowered to purchase any
property offered for sale for the payment of taxes, provided
they shall not bid a greater sum than the taxes in arrears
upon said property, and the interest and expenses of sale
and cost and fees, and to sell or lease the same, as in their
judgment and discretion shall be deemed for the best interest
of the town; provided, said property shall not be retained
longer than three years, and must then be sold. (I) That
where any taxpayer is assessed with personal property alone
the clerk and treasurer may in his discretion levy upon and
sell the same for taxes due and in arrears at any time after
the first day of January in any year after levy and advertise-
ment as now by provided law.
SEC. 17. The Mayor, in addition to the duties required
given Mayor
and Council
to purchase
of him by this charter, shall keep a test book, which shall
be signed by all persons who take an oath of any kind
before said Mayor; the said book shall also state the charac-
ter of the oath taken, and if an officer, the title of the officer
shall be stated. The Mayor shall have full power to conduct
investigations as to violations of any ordinance of said town,
hold court at some public place whenever the case requires,
issue warrants, summons, and attachments; said Mayor
shall have power to punish any person or persons for con-
tempt; shall have power to pass sentence for the violation of
a town ordinance, and shall have the power, in case of con-
viction of any offender or violator of a town ordinance to
commit said offender to the Montgomery county jail; in
default of surety for his appearance for trial or in default of
fine and cost, and in the cases as herein provided he shall
have the power to commit offenders to the Maryland House
of Correction or to labor upon the streets. The Mayor shall
Mayor to keep
a test book.