CHAP. 661
buildings in
who shall be paid a salary of nine hundred dollars per
annum; a person to take charge of the Governor's mansion
and the premises thereof, at a salary of eight hundred and
forty dollars per annum; three persons to watch and guard
the public buildings by day, and to act also as policemen,
at a salary of seven hundred and twenty dollars each per
annum; three persons to watch and guard the public build-
ings by night, and to act also as policemen, at a salary of
seven hundred and twenty dollars each per annum; one
carpenter, at a salary of seven hundred and twenty dollars
per annum; four persons to act as janitors, at a salary of
six hundred dollars each per annum; eight charwomen, at a
salary of three hundred dollars each per annum; one chief
engineer and electrician, at a salary of one thousand dollars
per annum; two firemen, at a salary of seven hundred and
twenty dollars each per annum; two coal passers, at a salary
of four hundred and eighty dollars each per annum. All of
said officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Governor ;
and the Treasurer, upon the warrant of the Comptroller, shall
pay the sums mentioned in this section to the person or per-
sons who shall be appointed by the Governor as aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 3, 1906.
AN ACT to empower the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more to issue the stock of said corporation to an amount
not exceeding one million dollars, for the purpose of
acquiring, by purchase, condemnation or otherwise, land
for public school buildings, and of constructing or recon-
structing public school buildings.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
given to
Issue stock.
land, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and
it is hereby authorized to issue its stock to an amount not
exceeding one million dollars, said stock to be issued from
time to time as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
shall by ordinance provide; and to be issued for such
amounts and to be payable at such time, and to bear such
rate of interest as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore