No. 2.
Joint Resolution requesting the Senators and Representatives
of Maryland in Congress of the United States to use their
utmost endeavors to secure by an early day the passage of a
Joint Resolution or Act extending the thanks of Congress to
Rear Admiral Winfield Scott Schley, by name, for gallant
and distinguished services rendered in the destruction of the
Spanish Fleet, near Santiago, on the third day of July, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-eight.
WHEREAS, Rear Admiral (then Commodore) Winfield Scott
Schley, of the United States Navy, was the senior officer
present and in command of the vessels actually engaged in the
battle of Santiago, on the third day of July, in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, which resulted in the
destruction of the Spanish fleet; and
WHEREAS, The services of Rear Admiral Schley have not
yet been recognized in any Joint Resolution or Act of Con-
gress ; therefore, be it
passage of
or Act.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
Senators and Representatives of Maryland in the Congress of
the United States be and they are hereby respectfully
requested to use their utmost endeavors to secure by an early
day the passage of a Joint Resolution or Act extending the
thanks of Congress to Rear Admiral Wintield Scott Schley,
by name, for said services, to have the same effect as though
the said Joint Resolution or Act had been passed upon the
recommendation of the President, at the session of Congress
which was held next after the date of said victory.
Copy of
to be sent.
And be it further enacted. That the Secretary of State be
and he is hereby respectfully requested to send a copy of
these resolutions, duly attested under the seal of this State, to
each of the said Senators and Representatives.
No. 3.
Joint Resolution extending the term of service of the Honor-
able Charles E. Phelps as a Judge of the Supreme Bench
of Baltimore City.
WHEREAS, The Honorable Charles E. Phelps, of the city
of Baltimore, was elected a Judge of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore city on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of
November, 1897, for the term of fifteen years, and until his
successor should be elected and qualified, or until he should
attain the age of seventy years;