Women's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Epis-
copal Church. (C) A bequest of eight hundred and sixteen
dollars and thirty-one cents to the Center Street Methodist
Episcopal Church of Cumberland, Maryland. (D) To two
bequests to Kingsley Methodist Episcopal Church of Cumber-
land, Maryland — one for the sum of eight hundred and sixteen
dollars and thirty-one cents and one for the sum of seven hun-
dred and ninety-five dollars and ninety cents. (E) A bequest
of five hundred and sixty-three dollars and seven cents to the
Woman's College of Baltimore, Maryland.
Sixty-Fifth. To a bequest under the last will and testament
of John F. Hinkle, late of Allegany county, deceased, of one
thousand dollars to Grace. Methodist Episcopal Church in
South Cumberland, Allegany county, Maryland, said will
being duly of record in the office of the Register of Wills for
said county.
Sixty-Sixth. To a bequest under said last will and testament
of said John F. Hinkle of one thousand dollars to the trustees
of Pleasant Grove Church, in the Union Grove Circuit of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Allegany county, Maryland.
Sixty-Sixth A. To a bequest of one thousand dollars under
the last will and testament of Elizabeth Hutchins, late of
Baltimore county, deceased, to Saint James Church in Balti-
more county, said will bearing date May 24, 1898, and being
of record in the office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore
county, in Liber H. J. H., No. 11, folio 257.
Sixty-Seventh. To a deed of certain real estate therein
mentioned from John H. Morgan and wife to the vestry of
Saint James' Parish in Baltimore county; said deed bearing
date July 26, 1901, and of record among the Land Records
of Baltimore city, in Liber R. O. 1913, folio 410.
Sixty-Eighth. To the grant and conveyance from Julius T.
Hall and Mary C. Hall, his wife, to the trustees of the First
Baptist Church of Pocomoke City, Maryland, and the trus-
tees of Pitt Creek Baptist Church of Worcester county,
religious corporations, of a certain tract of land at the corner
of Second and Laurel streets, in Pocomoke City, Worcester
county, Maryland, the same being described in a deed thereof,
dated November 30, 1901, the same being of record among
the Land Records of Worcester county, in Liber F. H. P.
No. 16, folio 101.
Sixty-Ninth. To the following bequests contained in the
last will and testament of Annie Green, deceased, late of Balti-
more city, said will being duly probated and recorded among
the testamentary records of Baltimore city, to wit: 1st, a
CHAP. 632.
Various gifts,