by the last will and testament of Harriett Eareckson, late of
Baltimore city, deceased. (C) The legacy of two thousand
dollars bequeathed by the last will and testament of Mary B.
Crimes, late of Baltimore city, deceased ; all three of the said
wills having been duly probated and are now of record in the
office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore city. (D) The
bequest under the will of Josephine Hankey, late of Balti-
more city, deceased, of the leasehold estate in a certain lot of
ground and improvement, subject to a ground rent, and
known as Number 411 Short street; said will being of record
in the office of the Register of "Wills for Baltimore city. (E)
The grant made by deed from William H. Oler and others,
dated December 18, 1899, and recorded among the Land
Records of Baltimore city, in Liber R. O. No. 1825, folio 265,
etc., of a certain lot of ground in Baltimore city fronting
twenty-five feet on Madison avenue and fully described in
eaid deed. (F) The grant made by James J. Fisher and wife
by deed dated April 20, 1878, and recorded among Land
Records of Baltimore city, in Liber G. R. No. 737, folio 489,
etc., of a certain lot of ground at the southwest corner of
Franklin street and Fulton avenue and fully described in said
deed. (G) The grant made by Emanual Ellinger and others
by deed dated August 1, 1888, recorded among Land Records
of Baltimore city, in Liber J. B. No. 1203, folio 242, etc., of
a certain lot of ground in Baltimore city at the northwest cor-
ner of Fa'1 ton avenue and Fulton street, fully described in
said deed. (H) The grant from Thomas H. Ridgeley by deed
dated June 13, 1883, recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore city, in Liber R. T. A. No. 969, folio 485, etc., of
two lots of ground on Edmondson avenue, Baltimore city,
fully described in said deed.
Forty-Second. To a lease from Burton Deshard and Gertrude
Deshard, his wife, to the committee of the Second Presbyterian
Church, Society or Congregation in the city of Baltimore, a
body corporate, of a certain lot of ground in said city situate
at the southwest corner of Baltimore and Lloyd street, having
a front of one hundred and eight feet on Baltimore street and
a depth of one hundred and sixty feet to Watson street, which
lease is dated November 2, 1871, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore city, in Liber G. R., No. 538,
folio 423, etc.
Forty-Third. To a deed from Edward Maxwell, trustee, to
the committee of the Second Presbyterian Church, Society or
Congregation of the city of Baltimore, a body corporate, of
the lot described in paragraph forty-two of this bill, which
deed is dated February 18, 1876, and recorded among the
CHAP. 632.
Various gifts,