to Article 18 of the Code of Public Local Laws, entitled "Queen
Anne's County," sub-title "Centreville," to follow section
eighty-eight, to be designated as section 88 A, and to read as
follows :
CHAP. 665.
New section
88 A. The County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county
shall, on or before the first Monday in February in the year
nineteen hundred and three, and annually on said day in each
year thereafter, pay over to the Commissioners of Centreville,
out of the levy made the year preceding, each of such pay-
ments that portion of the entire cuiiuty levy for the construc-
tion and repair of roads and bridges which the total amount
assessed within the limits of Centreville bears to the whole
amount of assessed property in Queen Anne's county ; pro-
vided, however, that said amount shall not exceed the sum of
five hundred dollars in any one year, so that the Commissioners
of Centreville may receive and disburse the amount levied
by said County Commissioners of Queen Anne's county upon
the property within the limits of Centreville for the construc-
tion and repairs of the roads and bridges ; and the said Com-
missioners of Centreville shall hereafter have the exclusive
charge and control of the roads, streets and bridges within the
limits of said town of Centreville, and the construction and
repair of the same, and said County Commissioners shall not
be liable therefor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to repeal and re enact Section 4 of Article 100 of the
Code of Public General Laws, as enacted by Chapter 317,
Acts of 1894, title " Work — Hours of, in Factories," regu-
lating the employment of children.
Sum of
money to be
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section 4 of Article 100 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title " Work — Hours of, in Factories,"
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, to read as
follows :
Section 4. Se it enacted, That no proprietor or owner of
any mill or factory in this State, other than establishments for
manufacturing canned goods, or manager, agent or foreman,
or other person in charge thereof shall, after the first day of
October, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety- four, employ
or retain in employment in any such mill or factory, any
and re-enact.