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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 784   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 839.

Not required
to appear
before board

Section 9 D. The judges and clerks appointed by the Board
of Supervisors of Elections for Frederick county shall not be
required to appear before the said board for the purpose of
examination, nor to be sworn in as required by section 9 of
this Article, but the said Board of Supervisors of Election for
Frederick county, before making appointments of any such
judges or clerks, shall thoroughly inform themselves as to the
qualifications of the parties appointed, and shall not require
their attendance before said board for such examination and
shall appoint only such persons as are known to them to
possess the proper qualifications for the position to which they
are severally appointed, and the said persons may be sworn in
either by said board or by a justice of the peace or notary
public of said county, and when sworn in by a justice or
notary public shall file with said board a certificate of such
Approved April 8, 1902.


AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to pay the Treasurer
of the Maryland State Board of Education the amount of
sundry bills paid by him for repairs to the State Normal
School Building.

Warrant to be

SECTION 1. Be it enacted ly the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller of the Treasury be and he is
hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant upon the
Treasurer of Maryland to pay the Treasurer of the State
Board of Education the sum of three thousand seven hundred
and seventy dollars and fifty-six cents, being the amount of
sundry bills paid by him under the direction of the State
Board of Education for materials furnished and work done in
repairing the Maryland State Normal School building from
January 18, 1900, to January 31, 1902, to the following per-
sons and firms, viz. : To D. M. Sadler, the sum of sixty dollars;
A. Y. Rehmert, the sum of twenty-five dollars; Welsbach.
Company, the sum of twenty-one dollars and seventy cents ;

George T. Walthere & Co., the sum of seventy-seven dollars
and twenty-nine cents; C. J. Stewart & Sons, the sum of one
hundred and sixty-four dollars and ninety four cents ; Louis
R. Christhilf, the sum of ninety-two dollars and fifty cents ;
George Schumacher, the sum of one hundred and sixty-eight
dollars and eighty-three cents; Niles P. Sellman, the sum of
three hundred and five dollars and seventy-six cents; Crook,
Horner & Co., the sum of three hundred and sixty-nine dollars

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 784   View pdf image (33K)
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