SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That section 81 of Article 1 of the Code of Public
CHAP 534
Local Laws, title "Allegany County," sub-title "Cumber-
land," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, and that a new section is hereby added to said
Article, to be designated as section 70 A, to read, as to said
section, as follows :
New scetlon
81. The members of said City Council shall receive for their
services, as compensation as such, the sum of one hundred and
fifty dollars annually, payable semi-annually.
70 A. The Mayor and City Council, in addition to the powers
hereinbefore granted as to grading, kerbing, paving and repav-
ing and repairing the streets of said city, shall have full power
to grade, kerb and pave all sidewalks and gutters which in
their judgment the public convenience may require, and to
cause said sidewalks and gutters to be regraded or repaved or
repaired, or otherwise improved, and to collect the costs
thereof from the person owning the property fronting on any
said sidewalks, kerb or gutter ; and whenever the person or
persons owning the property fronting on any such sidewalk,
kerb or gutter shall refuse to have such sidewalks, kerbs and
gutters paved, when, and as directed to do so by any ordinance
of said city, within thirty days from the date of notice thereof,
the said Mayor and City Council shall have the materials found
and the work done by the street superintendent, who shall
ascertain the proportion of expenses chargeable to each pro-
prietor or owner, and the said Mayor and City Council may
collect the same as other debts due the city, or may distrain
the personal property of such proprietor or owner at any time
within six months from the time when the ascertainment of
the proportion of such proprietor or owner shall be made by
the street superintendent ; provided, that twenty days' notice
in writing shall be given by the street superintendent to
the said proprietor or owner of the amount of his or her
assessment prior to such suit or distress, and this section' shall
apply to paved and unpaved streets of said city.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to appropriate to Robert C. Griffith and Alexander
F. Jones, former Examiners of Cove Oysters for the State
of Maryland, the sum of one hundred and ninety-four
dollars and sixty cents.