CHAP. 535.
WHEREAS, Robert C. Griffith and Alexander F. Jones were
heretofore duly appointed by the Governor of this State as
examiners of cove oysters, under and by virtue of the provis-
ions of section 53 of Article 72 of the Code of Public General
Laws of the State of Maryland, and continued in good faith
to perform the duties of their said office until a recent date,
when the Attorney General of the State rendered an opinion
to the effect that the law creating said offices had been
repealed ; and
WHEREAS, Said examiners were each entitled under said
law to a salary of one hundred and twenty-five dollars a
month, provided there be sufficient money to pay said salaries
in the "Oyster Packers' Fund" created by said law ; and
WHEREAS, There is now to the credit of said "Oyster
Packers' Fund" the sum of one hundred and ninety-four
dollars and sixty cents, which by virtue of the opinion of the
Attorney General aforesaid the said examiner cannot draw
from said fund except by virtue of this Act ; and
WHEREAS, Said examiners are fairly and equitably entitled
to said fund for services rendered by them in good faith, not
knowing that the law creating their said offices had been
repealed ; therefore,
to be Issued.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Comptroller be and he is hereby author-
ized and directed to draw his warrant upon the Treasurer of
the State of Maryland for the sum of ninety-seven dollars and
thirty cents in favor of Robert C. Griffith, and for the sum of
ninety-seven dollars and thirty cents in favor of Alexander F.
Approved April 11, 1902.
AN ACT to empower William H. Robbins to construct in
front of his property, in the town of Cambridge, Dor-
chester County, a wharf or shell walk extending out into
the Great Choptank River.
to construct
a wharf,
or shell walk
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That William H. Robbins, of the town of Cam-
bridge, in Dorchester county, be and he is hereby authorized
and empowered to construct and erect a wharf, or shell walk
at and adjoining the land of the said William H. Robbins, at
the foot of Willis street, in the said town of Cambridge, said
wharf or shell walk to extend into the Great Choptank river
for a distance not exceeding three hundred yards, to be of a