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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 765   View pdf image (33K)
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amended by chapter 49 and chapter 679 of the Acts of 1892;
chapter 447 of the Acts of 1894; chapter 469 of the Acts of
1896, and chapter 309 of the Acts of 1898, and to re-enact
the same with amendments.

CHAP. 521.

Section 190. The Road Commissioners so appointed are
hereby required to adopt such system for the repairs and
improvements of the roads in their respective districts as said
board may deem best, having first called for and received
from the Baltimore County Roads Engineer, hereafter men-
tioned, a written report stating what system he advises in said
district; provided, however, that no Road Commissioner
shall have any pecuniary interest in any contract, and shall
furnish no team for any work; and provided further, that
such system shall require at least two-thirds of the road tax
to be expended in macadamizing the roads with stone or other
hard material; every Road Commissioner, when presenting
for payment any bill for the hire of horses and carts or
wagons, shall append thereto an affidavit that he is not inter-
ested, directly or indirectly, in the payment of the amounts
charged for such hire of horses and carts or wagons, or for
any material furnished.

System to be
adopted for
the repairs,
etc., of roads,

Section 193. Each Road Commissioner shall be entitled to
one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum to cover his
personal expenses, and such other compensation as the County
Commissioners may, by order in writing allow to said Road
Commissioners for services actually rendered by them in the
personal supervision of construction and repairs of county
roads and bridges in their respective sub-districts, not exceed-
ing one dollar and fifty cents per diem; provided, however,
that such additional compensation shall not be allowed for
more than twenty days in any one month, nor for more than
one hundred and fifty days in any calendar year, and the
County Commissioners are authorized to allow any person
who may be employed as examiner of new roads, or of roads
to be altered, or of bridges to be repaired or built, a per diem
not to exceed two dollars for each day so employed.
Approved April 8, 1902.

tion allowed.


AN ACT to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Baltimore County to levy a sum to be applied to the
building of a school house in Sparrows Point in Baltimore

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State
of Maryland, That the County Commissioners of Baltimore


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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 765   View pdf image (33K)
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