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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 752   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 615.


122. The said sanitary officers are hereby made said registrars
without additional compensation, and vaccine physicians for
their respective districts, and it shall be their duty to vaccinate
free of charge every child whose guardian or parents are too
poor to pay for the service.

Garbage to be

123. The County Commissioners are authorized to employ a
sufficient number of men with horses and carts for the removal
of garbage, ashes and all other offal in such thickly populated
places as they shall consider necessary, and the said sanitary
officers are authorized and empowered to have control of the
persons &o employed as removers of garbage, and to report any
failure or delinquency on their part to the County Com-

Garbage, etc.,
to be placed
in convenient

124. All residents of such places in Baltimore county as
may be supplied with a force for the collection of garbage,
ashes and other offal shall be required to collect all offal
accumulating in their premises into suitable receptacles and put
them in places convenient to the removers of garbage and
other offal ; and any resident who shall allow such offal to
accumulate on his premises without so collecting and so plac-
ing it shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor
more than five dollars for every such offense, to be recovered as
other fines and costs are recovered.

Penalty for

125. And any person who shall commit a nuisance by
throwing any dead animal or offal of any kind into any high-
way, by-way or alley upon any vacant lot in any town or
village in Baltimore county or in the vicinity thereof, shall
be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar nor more than
five dollars.

box to be
placed in

126. Every owner of a lot which is supplied with water
from wells or springs in any town or village having more
than five hundred inhabitants in Baltimore county shall be
required to place in each and every privy, water-closet or out-
house a water-tight box for the reception of urinary or foecal
matter, under a penalty of five dollars for refusing or neglect-
ing to supply the same, and such box shall be emptied by the
occupant, and it shall be the duty of the party occupying
said premises to have the same emptied whenever it may
be full or requiring to be cleaned ; and any person refusing
or neglecting to have such boxes emptied shall be subject to
a fine of tive dollars for every such offense, recoverable as
other fines before a justice of the peace. Nothing contained
in this section shall prevent any owner of property from
having constructed upon his premises water-closets or privy
vaults built on approved sanitary principles.

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 752   View pdf image (33K)
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