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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 751   View pdf image (33K)
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all nuisances affecting the health of the citizens of all towns
or villages within their respective districts, and for this pur-
pose they are authorized to go upon any premises or into
any house in any town or village, and upon a full report
of either of them to the County Commissioners of the exist-
ence of any public or private nuisance in any town or village,
or in the vicinity thereof, they are authorized and empowered,
upon the approval and direction of said County Commis-
sioners, to apply to the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, or
to either of the Judges of said Court, by bill or petition, in
the name of any of said sanitary officers, for an injunction to
restrain and prevent such nuisance; or upon the said report of
said sanitary officers of the existence of a nuisance, any of said
sanitary officers may be directed by the County Commissioners
to give notice to the owner or occupier of any land or prem-
ises upon which said nuisance may exist, to remove the same
within forty-eight hours after the service of said notice ; and
upon the failure, neglect or refusal of the owner or occupier
of any land or premises to comply with said notice, such
owner or occupier shall forfeit and pay for any such neglect
or refusal the sum of twenty-five dollars; and any of said
sanitary officers, upon said neglect or refusal to remove said
nuisance, shall cause the same to be removed at the expense of
the owner or occupier of said land or premises ; said tine and
expense of removal shall be collected by an action of debt
before a justice of the peace of said county, in the name of
any of the said sanitary officers, for the use of the County

CHAP. 615.

119. If any person shall knowingly obstruct or resist any of
the said sanitary officers in the execution of their powers or in
the performance of their duties, such person shall be deemed
to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and con-
viction in the Circuit Court for Baltimore county, shall be
fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than one hundred
dollars, or be imprisoned, at the discretion of the Court, for
not more than thirty days.

Guilty of

120. It shall be the duty of the police officers of Baltimore
county to execute all orders of any of the said sanitary officers
so far as they may relate to the sanitary condition of said

Orders to be

121. In case of any epidemic or contagious or infectious
disease within the county, the County Commissioners shall be
empowered to send one or all of said sanitary officers to the
locality where said epidemic exists, for which services they
shall receive no extra compensation.

or infectious

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 751   View pdf image (33K)
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