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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 753   View pdf image (33K)
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127. Any earth pits which may be now in use in any town
or village of more than five hundred inhabitants in Baltimore
county shall be easy of access, and shall be in their construc-
tion and location subject to the inspection of the sanitary
officers, and if found by the said officers to be defectively con-
structed or located, the necessary changes ordered by the
sanitary officers shall be made, and in the neglect or refusal of
said property owners to have placed such boxes or to have
them made or located as in the judgment of the sanitary
officers seems best; in either case a fine of five dollars shall
be imposed in the manner prescribed in section 118.

CHAP. 515.

Earth pits to
be easy
of access.

128. It shall be unlawful to buy the contents of privies or
other offal, or deposit the same within half a mile of the limits
of any town or village having more than five hundred inhabi-
tants or within a reasonable distance from any dwelling house
outside the limits of such town or village, under penalty of a
fine of five dollars for every such offense.

Unlawful to
buy contents
of privies,

129. It shall be the duty of the sanitary officers, in all such
places as may be supplied with a force for the collection of
garbage, to direct the garbage force to remove the contents of
privy boxes ; for which service the remover of garbage is
authorized to receive twenty-five cents for each box emptied,
to be paid by the occupant of the premises.

Duties of
garbage force

130. The said sanitary officers shall have full power to
examine all highways, alleys and by-ways in their respective
districts, and upon the report of said sanitary officers of the
condition of any highway, alley or by-way being prejudicial
to the health of the neighborhood, it shall be the duty of the
County Commissioners to examine the same, and to cause to
be made such repairs in the grading, paving and draining of
such highway, alley or by-way as may be necessary, and to tax
the property binding thereon one-half the cost of said improve-

to be
and repaired.

131. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a hog-pen
or pig-pen within fifty feet of any dwelling house or well or
spring, the water of which may be used for cooking or drink-
ing purposes, in any town or village in Baltimore county
having more than five hundred inhabitants, under a penalty of
not less than ten dollars ; and the said sanitary officers shall
immediately remove the same.

Unlawful to
keen hog
or pig-pen
within fifty
feet of
house, etc.

132. All fines and penalties that may be imposed under the
provisions of the foregoing sections of this sub-title shall be
collected by suit before a justice of the peace of Baltimore
county, in the manner prescribed by 118.


How fines
shall be

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 753   View pdf image (33K)
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