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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 750   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 515.


officer for the first election district of said county with a
salary of three hundred dollars per annum ; one such officer
for the second election district with a salary of one hundred
and twenty-five dollars per annum ; one such officer for the
third district with a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars
per annum ; one such officer for the fourth election district
with a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars per annum ; one
such officer for the fifth election district with a salary of one
hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum ; one such officer
for the sixth election district with a salary of one hundred
and twenty-five dollars per annum ; one such officer for
the seventh election district with a salary of one hundred
and twenty-five dollars per annum; one such officer for
the eighth election district with a salary of two hun-
dred and fifty dollars per annum; one such officer for the
ninth election district with a salary of three hundred dollars ;
one such officer for the tenth district with a salary of one
hundred and twenty-five dollars; one such officer for the
eleventh district with a salary of two hundred dollars; one
such officer for the twelfth district with a salary of three
hundred dollars ; one such officer for the thirteenth district
with a salary of two hundred and fifty dollars ; one such
officer for the fourteenth district with a salary of two hundred
dollars ; and one such officer for the fifteenth district with a
salary of two hundred and fifty dollars; all of said salaries
to be payable quarterly. And the County Commissioners
shall designate and appoint from said board of sanitary
officers one person to act as secretary of the board, who shall
receive an additional compensation of one hundred dollars
per annum.

Organize as a
Board of

118. The sanitary officers so appointed shall within ten
days from the date of their appointment meet in Toweon,
and shall organize as a Board of Sanitary Officers for Balti-
more county, and shall elect one of their number as president.
They shall meet quarterly in Towson on such days in
February, May, August and November as may be designated
by the County Commissioners. They shall collectively each
for their respective district exercise all the powers and per-
form all the duties which have been or which shall hereafter
be prescribed by the general laws of this State for secretaries
of local boards of health, for which services they shall receive
no further compensation. They shall have general care of
the sanitary interests of the residents of their respective dis-
tricts, and shall make sanitary investigations and inquiries
respecting the causes of disease, especially epidemics, and the
causes of mortalities; they shall inquire into and investigate

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 750   View pdf image (33K)
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