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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 743   View pdf image (33K)
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77. To the Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital,
the sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and three, and the like sum of one thousand dollars
for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.
78. To St. Peter Clavier Colored Industrial School of Bal-
timore City, the sum of three hundred dollars for the fiscal
year nineteen hundred and three, and a like sum of three
hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and four.
To the St. Francis Xavier School for Deaf and Dumb
(white) children, five hundred dollars for the fiscal year nine-
teen hundred and three, and the like sum of five hundred
dollars for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.
79. To Home of the Good Shepherd for Colored Girls, the
sum of three thousand dollars for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and three, and the like sum of three thousand dollars
for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and four.
80. To the Frederick City Hospital Association, the sum of
thirty-five hundred dollars for the year nineteen hundred and
three, and the like sum of thirty-five hundred dollars for the
year nineteen hundred and four.
81. To the Baltimore University School of Medicine, the
sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year nineteen hun-
dred and three, and the like sum of one thousand dollars for
the fiscal year nineteen-hundred and four.
82. To the Fourth Regiment Maryland National Guard, the
sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, twelve thousand and five
hundred dollars of said amount to be paid July 1st, nineteen
hundred and three, and twelve thousand and five hundred
dollars to be paid July 1st, nineteen hundred and four, same
to be applied to payment of debt on Fourth Regiment Armory.
83. To the Deaf and Dumb Asylum of Frederick, the sum
of two thousand dollars for repairs, for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and three.
84. To the Vaccine Agent, the sum of four hundred dollars
for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, and the like
sum of four hundred dollars for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and four.
85. To the Game Warden, the sum of one hundred and
seventy-six dollars and eighty-four cents for expenses from
April 1, 1900, to April 1, 1902, and the further sum of three
hundred and fifty dollars for the expenses of the Game Warden
from April 1, 1902, to April 1, 1903, and the like sum for the
year 1904, or so much thereof as may be necessary.
86. To the Southern Homeopathic Medical College and
Hospital, the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for the fiscal

CHAP. 512.

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 743   View pdf image (33K)
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