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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 744   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 512.

tion for
schools and

year 1903, and the like sum of twenty-five hundred dollars for
the year 1904.
87. For compiling a synopsis of the fish and game laws of
the State, as the same shall be in force and effect at the con-
clusion of the Legislature, 1902. by the State Game Warden,
and the publication by him of one thousand copies of said
synopsis for the use of the deputy game wardens and for the
information of the people of the State, two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250), or as much thereof as shall be necessary.
88. To the order of the Board of Directors of Northeastern
Dispensary, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the year
1902, and the sum of fifteen hundred dollars for the year 1903,
to be used by them in maintaining said Dispensary,
89. To the Board of Managers of the Emergency Hospital
Association of Annapolis, the sum of thirty-five hundred
dollars for the purchase at Annapolis of ground and building
for the purposes of an Emergency Hospital; provided, that
the title of said property so purchased shall be in the name of
the State of Maryland.
90. To the President and Managers of the Baltimore General
Dispensary, the sum of one thousand dollars for the fiscal year
1903, and the like sum for the fiscal year 1904.
91. To the Maryland Industrial and Agricultural Institute
for Colored Youths, the sum of one thousand dollars lor the
fiscal year 1903, and the sum of one thousand dollars for the
fiscal year 1904.
92. To the Southern Dispensary of Baltimore, six hundred
dollars for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and three, and the
like sum of six hundred dollars for the fiscal year nineteen
hundred and four.

Statement to

be made.

Provided, however, that any charitable or medical institu-
tion or institutions coming under the provisions of this Act,
shall make to the Comptroller of this State an itemized state-
ment, with affidavit attached, of the expenditure of all money
received from the State; and provided further, that any char-
itable or medical institution tailing to comply with the pro-
visions of this Act, shall forfeit to the State a sum of money

Warrant to be

equal to the amount appropriated by this Act.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Treasurer of the State
shall, upon warrant of the Comptroller of the Treasury, pay
the said sums of money herein appropriated for the objects
and purposes hereinbefore specified, to or upon the order of
the person or persons, or body corporate, entitled to receive
Approved April 11, 1902.

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 744   View pdf image (33K)
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