kept separate and apart from other moneys of such boards of
County Commissioners and governing boards of incorporated
towns, and paid over to the treasurer of the library board
upon the demand of the board through properly authenticated
CHAP. £67.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That every library and reading
room established under this Act shall be forever free to the
use of the inhabitants of the county, town or city where it is
located ; subject, however, to such reasonable rules and regu-
lations as the library board may adopt, in order to render the
use of such libraries and reading rooms of the greatest benefit
to the greatest number of people, and said board may exclude
from the use of said libraries and reading rooms any and all
persons who shall wilfully violate such rules, and may extend
the privilege of such libraries and reading rooms to persons
outside the county or municipality, upon such terms and
conditions as said board may from time to time by its regula-
tions prescribe.
Library and
room tree.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That said library board shall
make an annual report to the County Commissioners on or
before the twentieth day of January, stating the condition of
their trust on the first day of January in that year, the various
sums of money received from the library board and from
other sources, and how such moneys have been expended and
for what purposes, the number of books and periodicals on
hand, the number added by purchase, gift or otherwise during
the year, the number lost or missing, the number of such
books loaned out, and the general character and kind of such
books, with such other statistics and information and sugges-
tions as they may deem of general interest. All such portion
of said report as related to the receipt and expenditure of
money shall be verified by affidavit, and shall be subject to the
audit of the County Commissioners. A copy of said report
shall be sent annually to the free library commission, to be
appointed as hereinafter provided.
report to be
SEC. 11. And be it enacted. That the said library board may
receive, hold and possess, or sell and dispose of all such gifts,
donations, devises, bequeaths and legacies as may be made to
the County Commissioners, to the municipality, or to the
library board for the purpose of establishing, increasing or
improving such public library. The library board shall act as
trustees, and have control of such gifts, donations, devises,
bequests and legacies, and may apply the proceeds, interests,
rents and profits accruing therefrom in such manner as will
best promote the prosperity and utility of such library ; pro-
vided, such application be according to the terms of the gifts,
donations, devises, bequests and legacies.
May receive,
hold and
sell gifts, etc,