out sale after advertising, he shall only receive as poundage fee
one per cent, of the amount collected; these several fees to be
charged against the tax bill of the delinquent taxpayers.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to repeal Section two of Chapter two hundred and
three of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of
1900, so far as the same may apply to Dames Quarter Elec-
tion District No. 11 of Somerset county, for a period of two
years after the passage of this Act, so far as the same relates
to partridges, or quails, and rabbits in said Election Dis-
trict for said period of two years, and to enact the following
in lieu thereof for the better protection and preservation of
partridges, or quails, and rabbits in said district during said
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the provisions of section two of chapter two
, CHAP. »47.
hundred and three, Acts of 1900, so far as the same may
apply, or be taken to apply, to partridges, or quails, or rab-
bits in said election district, be and the same are hereby
repealed for a period of two years after the passage of this
Act, and the following enacted in lieu thereof.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no person shall hunt for,
shoot, catch or kill in any manner any partridge, or quails, or
rabbits in said election district within two years after the
passage of this Act under the penalty of tive dollars ($5. 00)
for hunting with dog or gun any of the aforesaid game, birds
or animals within the foregoing prohibited period, and under
a penalty of the same amount for each of the aforesaid game,
birds or animals so shot, caught or killed within the above
prohibited period.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to regulate the establishment, location and mainte-
nance of buildings for the treatment of infectious or
contagious diseases by the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, "for temporary purposes. "
Game law.