CHAP. 346.
Copy of
annual levy
to be
delivered to
annual levy, to deliver to the County Treasurer a full copy
thereof, and the said Treasurer shall collect the same according
to law and pay over to the parties entitled thereto the taxes col-
lected, respectively, for them, and the bond of the said Treas-
urer shall be liable for all sums of money collected by him on
account of State and county taxes as aforesaid, until the
same shall have been duly accounted for and paid over accord-
ing to law. He shall be the collector of all State and county
taxes that may be levied by the County Commissioners for St.
Mary's county and shall have power and authority to receive
and collect said taxes and to enforce payment thereof and to
convey title to any real or personal estate sold by him for the
payment thereof, and when there be no bidders for properties
offered for sale, it shall be lawful for the County Commis-
sioners of said county to purchase said real estate and to con-
vey the same, when sold by them, by good and sufficient deed.
The sale of any real estate sold shall be reported to the Circuit
-Court for St. Mary's county for ratification, which Court shall
ratify the same, if no objection be offered to said ratification,
after the publication of an order nisi as required in sales made
on the equity side of the Circuit Courts of Maryland, which
order nisi shall be advertised not separately, but all sales made
at one time shall be included in one nisi, and if not redeemed
within the time prescribed by law, the Treasurer shall convey
the same in fee simple to the purchaser or purchasers thereof.
The order nisi shall not be published until within thirty days
of the time of the redemption provided by Article 31 of the
Code of Public General Laws, so that the delinquent tax-
payers may redeem their property at as small expenses as
certificates of
received in
of taxes
possible. The said Treasurer shall receive county certificates
of indebtedness from persons owing county taxes to the amount
of the taxes due by them respectively; provided, the said
certificates are payable out of the levy of the current year; and
he shall reserve out of the money so collected by him a suffi-
cient sum to pay the amount levied in each current year for
public schools and shall pay the same over to the Board
of County School Commissioners, one-fourth each on or before
the first of November, February, April and July. In cases
of sale of real estate where it is found that part of the prop-
erty upon which the tax is levied and in default will pay the
whole amount of taxes, the said Treasurer shall sell only such
part of the real estate as may be necessary to pay the said
taxes. He shall be entitled to the following fees: forgiving
notice to enforce the payment of any tax bill, the sum of fifty
cents, and in addition thereto for the property to be sold he
shall receive, when sold, a poundage fee three per cent, of the
gross amount of sale, but if the amount of bill be paid with-