do every other act or thing not inconsistent with law, which
in the discretion of its board of directors may be necessary or
proper to promote the objects, designs and purposes for which
this corporation is formed, which are hereby declared to be
for the purpose of manufacturing and selling electricity for
illuminating purposes, for heat, for power and for all other
purposes to which electricity or magnetism may be applied,
and for the further purpose of manufacturing, buying, selling,
dealing in and furnishirtg all kinds of machinery and supplies
used in and incident to a general electrical business and the
conduct thereof ; and the said corporation is hereby authorized
and empowered to purchase or construct, or to string or build
pole lines, conductors and conduits under, along, upon or over
any and all streets, lanes, alleys, roads, waters and ways what-
soever; provided, that said construction, when within the
limits of any incorporated city or town, shall be done under
the supervision of the Mayor and Town Council thereof ; pro-
vided, that nothing in this Act shall permit or be construed to
allow the corporation hereby incorporated to carry on its
operations within the city of Baltimore, and when within the
limits of any county shall be done under the supervision of
the County Commissioners thereof ; also over, under and along
private property, a right of way there over, under or along
being first had or obtained, so as to furnish electrical current or
power to any and all points and to connect with any build-
ings, public or private, with any lamp or other structure or
object, car or conveyance, and in general to manufacture, sell,
furnish, supply and market electricity and electrical and
magnetic machinery supplies for any and all purposes that
may be desired or required, and to use the necessary means to
accomplish all the purposes for which said company is hereby
incorporated ; and said company shall particularly have and
be possessed of the power to lease or purchase the property
and operate the plant of any electric light and power company,
and also to purchase, own, sell, enjoy and dispose of the stocks,
bonds or other securities of any such company.
CHAP. 267.
May furnish
power, etc.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the captial stock of said
company shall consist of two hundred thousand dollars,
divided into two thousand shares of the par value of one
hundred dollars each, of which stock part may be common and
part preferred, in such manner and with such preferences and
privileges, and in such proportions, as the board of directors
of said company shall determine, and which capital stock may,
in the discretion of said board of directors, be increased or
decreased from time to time, in the manner now provided by
law for increasing or decreasing the capital stock of corpo-
Capital stock.