Baltimore County are hereby authorized and directed to levy
on the assessable property of said county for the sum of four
thousand dollars, for the purpose of purchasing a lot of
ground and of building a school house, as hereinafter men-
tioned, and said sum or so much thereof as may be necessary,
shall then be applied by and for that purpose, paid to the
School Commissioners of said county, for the purchasing of
said lot of ground and the erection of a public school house
in the First District of Baltimore county near Dickeyville.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to amend an Act of the General Assembly of
Maryland, passed at the January Session, eighteen hundred
and ninety-two, Chapter 314, entitled "An Act to incor-
porate the Patapsco Title Company of Baltimore City,
Maryland," so that the corporate title and name of said
corporation shall hereafter be " Patapsco Title and Charter
Company," and to add an additional Section to said Act, to
be designated as Section 7.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
e HAP. in.
Levy to be
Maryland, That the Act passed at the January Session of the
General Assembly, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, chapter
three hundred and fourteen, entitled "An Act to incorporate
the Patapsco Title Company of Baltimore City, Maryland,"
be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the name
of said corporation from the Patapsco Title Company of
Baltimore City, Maryland, as it now stands in said Act, to
Patapsco Title and Charter Company, so that the corporate
title, name and style of the said corporation shall hereafter be
Patapsco Title and Charter Company.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the following additional
Act to be
section be added to said Act of eighteen hundred and ninety-
two, chapter three hundred and fourteen, to be known as
section 7:
New section,
Section 7. That said company be and it is hereby authorized
and empowered to act as the agent of and to represent in
Maryland, and elsewhere, domestic and foreign corporations
for any purpose now or hereafter by statute or otherwise
required, and especially to act as the agent upon whom process
against all such corporations, and all notices, official or other-
wise, may be served, for and in behalf of any person or
to act as
agent, etc.