purpose, within said town ; and the said corporation may lease
or otherwise dispose of any property now owned or which
may be hereafter acquired by said town, having first given
public notice of such lease or sale in one or more of the news-
papers published in Caroline couuty, once a week for three
successive weeks before such lease or sale.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the corporate limits of said
CHAP 1*9.
town shall be as follows : Beginning in the centre of the bridge
across North West Fork of Nanticoke river; thence south
eighty-two and one-half degrees west one hundred and sixty
perches to a stake ; thence north seven and one-half degrees,
west one hundred and sixty perches to a stake; thence north
eighty- two and one-half degrees, east three hundred and twenty
perches, to a stake ; thence south seven and one-half degrees,
east three hundred and twenty perches, to a stake ; thence
south eighty-two and one-half degrees, west three hundred and
twenty perches, to a stake ; thence north seven and one-half
degrees, west one hundred and sixty perches, to the end of the
first line. The commissioners of said town may hereafter
shorten or lengthen or change the courses and distances of
said bounds, in their discretion ; provided, that the entire area
of said town shall not exceed seven hundred acres ; and such
changes shall be at once surveyed, platted and recorded among
the land records of Caroline county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the citizens of Federalsburg
who have resided in said town for six months previous to the
day of election and who are qualified in other respects to vote
for. delegates to the General Assembly of Maryland, shall on
the fourth Monday of April, annually, between the hours of
one and five o'clock P. M., at such place as the commissioners
of said town shall appoint, elect by ballot tive persons residents
and qualified voters of said town. as Commissioners of Federals-
sioners to be
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Town Commissioners
shall be judges of said election or they may appoint any three
voters to act as judges, and the proceedings shall be recorded
under their direction ; and every commissioner or person so
appointed before he opens an election shall make oath before
a justice of the peace for Caroline county that he will faith-
fully and impartially permit every person to vote at such
election who shall be qualified to vote for commissioners
of said town, and that he will not suffer any person to
vote at such election who shall not be legally qualified to vote ;
and the five persons having the highest number of votes shall
be declared elected.
of election.