CHAP. 149.
Notice given
of election.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That if at any time an election
shall not be held for commissioners on the day mentioned in
section four of this Act, an election may be held at any time
after ten days' notice thereof shall have been given by the
commissioners or a majority of them ; and in case a majority
of said commissioners shall become disqualified to act, or shall
have failed, or shall fail to hold an election for the space of
thirty days from the said fourth Monday in April, in any
year, then it shall be lawful for any three or more qualified
voters in said town to give notice, either by written or printed
handbills, or by publication in some newspaper in Caroline
county, of an election to be held on a certain day. at least ten
days from the date of the publication or posting of such
notice, for Commissioners of Federalsburg, and a majority of
the voters present at the hour fixed by said notice for the
commencement of said election shall elect three judges to
hold such election.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That if at any town election
N ew election
to be held.
two or more persons shall receive the same number of votes
for commissioners of said town the judges of said election
shall proceed, after having given five days' notice of the time
and place to hold another election, to till up said board of
commissioners ; and the person receiving the highest number
of votes at said election shall, with those previously chosen, if
any, constitute the Commissioners of Federalsburg.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy shall occur,
to be filled.
by the death, resignation, removal or failure to act of one or
more of the commissioners elected as aforesaid, the remaining
commissioners, or a majority of them, shall elect a proper
person to fill said vacancy.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That every commissioner before
Oath to be
he proceeds to act as such, shall make oath before some justice
of the peace for Caroline county, that he will diligently and
faithfully, according to the best of his skill and judgment, per-
form the duties of commissioner, without favor, partiality or
prejudice; and a certificate of such qualification shall be
returned by the said justice of the peace to the commissioners,
to be filed and recorded among their proceedings.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said board of com-
and place of
missioners shall meet at such place as they may appoint,
within said town, on the first Monday of every month, ensuing
their election, and as much oftener by adjournment as they
shall deem necessary.
to be elected.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
shall elect a president of the board, and appoint a secretary, a
bailiff, a treasurer, and one or more assessors of taxes.