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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 143.

index to be

Talbot county, shall make a general index, subsequent to the
year eighteen hundred (1800), of all orders and petitions for
the sale of real estate now of record in said office, in suitable
index books, to be paid for by the County Commissioners of
Talbot county.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That whenever said


indexes are fully made and completed, the said Charles R.
Wooters shall submit the same for examination and inspection
to judges of the Orphans' Court of Talbot County ; and if
they find that the said work has been faithfully and properly
done, they shall give to the said Charles R. Wooters a certifi-
cate to that effect, and upon presentation of his account, for
said work, verified by his affidavit, together with the certifi-
cate of the judges of the Orphans' Court, aforesaid, to the
County Commissioners of Talbot county, they shall, at their
next levy-laying term thereafter, levy an amount sufficient to
pay said accounts.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Charles


R. Wooters, Register of Wills of Talbot county, shall be
entitled to receive as compensation for said indexing of said
orders and petitions for the sale of real estate hereinbefore
provided for, the sum of ten cents for each name so indexed
by him ; provided, that the total cost shall not exceed two
hundred and fifty dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1902.

AN ACT to repeal Section 92 of Article 5 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title ''Appeals and Error,"
sub-title "Appeals from Justices of the Peace," and to
re-enact the same with amendments.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of

and re enact.

Maryland, That section 92 of Article 5, of the Code of Public
General Laws of Maryland, title "Appeals and Error," sub-
title "Appeals from Justices of the Peace," be repealed and
re-enacted, so as to read as follows :
92. Before any of the Circuit Courts of this State or the

Cost to be
paid before
hearing cases

Baltimore City Court shall proceed to hear or try cases brought
to their respective Courts by appeal from the judgments of
justices of the peace, they shall first be satisfied that all costs
incurred on the judgments and proceeding before the justice
aforesaid have been paid by the appellant, or that the appel-

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Session Laws, 1902 Session
Volume 476, Page 228   View pdf image (33K)
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