Session, eighteen hundred and ninety), one hundred and
seventy-eight and one hundred and seventy-nine of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Washington
County," sub-title "Hagerstown."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
CHAP. 138.
Maryland, That sections one hundred and sixty-four (as
re-enacted by chapter 398 of the Acts of the General Assembly,
passed at its January Session, eighteen hundred and ninety),
one hundred and seventy-eight and one hundred and seventy-
nine of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Washington County," sub-title "Hagerstown," be and the
same are hereby repealed and re-enacted to read as follows :
164. At the first regular meeting after each annual election,
and re-enact.
and after. the qualification of the newly elected members, or
as soon thereafter as may be convenient, the Mayor, with the
advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint one person as
clerk, one person as collector of taxes, one person as market
inspector, and such other officers as may be provided for the
conduct and regulation of municipal affairs, except such
officers as are hereinafter provided for ; and in case of any
vacancy or removal of any officer so appointed, the Mayor
shall till such vacancy for the unexpired term with the advice
and consent of the Council as hereinbefore provided ; either
of the above-named officers shall be subject to removal by a
vote of four-fifths of the whole Council, or a vote of three
councilmen, with the approval of the Mayor.
178. For the enforcement of the town ordinances the
justices of the peace for districts three, seventeen, twenty-one,
ments to be
twenty-two, twenty-four and twenty-live, constituting Hagers-
town and vicinity, shall be and they are hereby constituted
the police justices of Hagerstown. Each of said justices shall
be furnished with copies of the ordinances of the town, and
each shall keep a separate docket for corporation cases, and
therein record and make regular entries of the proceedings in
all such cases, setting forth the tine or imprisonment imposed
and the amount of costs, and he shall submit said docket to
the inspection of any person who may request to see the same,
and upon demand of any person interested shall deliver a
copy of any judgment rendered by him. It shall be the duty
of each of said justices to make out a summarized statement
of the peace
of all corporation cases tried before him, with the tines and
costs therein collected, which statement shall be submitted
monthly to the Council after being sworn to before the Mayor.
Upon the request of the Council, the said justices shall pro-
duce their dockets and may be placed under oath and interro-
gated as to the entries therein. They shall pay over to the