CHAP. 138.
tax collector quarterly, all tines collected by them. Each of
the justices of the peace appointed for the districts constitut-
ing Hagerstown and vicinity shall receive the sum of eight
and thirty-three and one-third hundredths dollars per mouth,
payable in cash at the end of each and every month, and all
stationery supplies used by said justices in the town business
shall be furnished them by the Mayor and Council.
179. If either of the justices of the peace for the districts
Liajble to
constituting Hagerstown and vicinity wilfully neglects to dis-
charge any of the duties imposed upon him by the charter and
ordinances of Hagerstown, or refuses to pay over the fines
collected by him as herein directed, he shall be liable to
indictment in the Circuit Court for Washington county, and
upon conviction he shall be fined the sum of fifty dollars or
imprisoned in the county jail for a term not exceeding three
months, or both, in the discretion of the Court.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect on and from the fifth day of May, nineteen hun-
dred and two.
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to create a Co-operative Insurance Fund, to be
maintained by both employers and employes in certain
perilous occupations, such as raining, quarrying, railroading,
building and excavating, and to add a new Article to the
Code of Public General Laws, said Article to be designated
as Article number one hundred and two, the title and sub-
ject thereof to be "Employers and Employes Co-operative
Insurance and Liability," said Article to follow Article
number one hundred and one.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
article added.
Maryland, That an additional Article, to be designated as
Article number one hundred and two, title "Employers and
Employes Co-operative Insurance and Liability," be and the
same is hereby enacted and added to the Code of Public
General Laws of the State of Maryland, said Article to follow
Article number one hundred and one, which said Article
hereby enacted shall be and read as follows :
SEC. 2. Any corporation, partnership, association, individual
or individuals engaged in the business of operating any coal
or clay mine, quarry, steam or street railroad in the State of
Maryland, and any incorporated town, city or county in the