CHAP. 137.
at their first regular meeting in each month, under oath taken
before the clerk of said commissioners. Said report shall
contain in detail each and every charge he may have against
the county ; provided, that if the amount of the constables'
fees for service of process by him, as appear by his report
and the report of the justice of the peace, is less than thirty-
five dollars, then and in that case such constable shall only
receive the amount of fees appearing by said reports to have
been earned by him.
Section 265 J. The duly appointed and qualified police
Police officers
shall serve
officers of the town of Hagerstown are hereby invested with
full power and authority of county constables, and shall serve
all process issued by either justice of the peace in the said
districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25, without pay other than that
received from said town, but they shall not have any juris-
diction in civil cases.
Section 271. The justices of the peace in "Washington
to be paid.
county, except the justices of the third, seventeenth, twenty-
first, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth districts,
shall be entitled to charge for their services in all criminal
cases tried or heard before them, the following feee, to wit :
For issuing each State writ, twenty-five cents; for summoning
all witnesses on both sides in any case, fifty cents; for each
trial, one dollar ; for every commitment, twenty-five cents ; for
every release, twenty-five cents; for each attachment for con-
tempt, twenty-five cents ; for recognizance in each case reported
to the Circuit Court, including witnesses, twenty-five cents.
The fees for services of the justices of peace in and for
districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25 of said county shall be the
same as herein allowed to justices in other districts, but shall
be taxed, collected and accounted for by them as in the pre-
ceding sections of the Act provided.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be and the same
are hereby repealed, and all appointments of justices of the
peace in and for districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25 heretofore
made are hereby declared null and void, and this Act shall
take effect from the fifth day of May, nineteen hundred and
Approved April 8, 1902.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sections
one hundred and sixty-four (as re-enacted by Chapter 398
of the Acts of the General Assembly, passed at its January