Section 265 G. The justices of the peace of districts 3, 17,
21, 22, 24 and 25 of said county shall each receive for their
services in criminal cases from the County Commissioners the
sum of seventy-five dollars per month, payable in cash or
county order equivalent to cash, on the day of his making his
report as hereinbefore provided, and shall not, directly or
indirectly, charge or receive any other fees or compensation
for the hearing of criminal cases except he shall be allowed
the sum of eight and thirty-three and one-third hundredths
dollars per month by the Mayor and Council of Hagerstown
for services rendered in cases for violation of the ordinances
of said town.
Section 265 H. The constables of Washington county, except
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in the third, seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-
fourth and twenty-fifth districts, shall be entitled to the fees
prescribed by Article 36, section 14, of the Code of Public
General Laws, for the particular services rendered, except the
fee allowed for serving summons for witnesses and return,
and for such services they shall be allowed the sum of twenty
cents for each of the first five witnesses summoned and re-
turned, and for each additional witness the sum of five cents ;
the fees of the constables in and for the third, seventeenth,
twenty-first, twenty second, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth
districts shall be the same as are herein allowed constables in
the other districts, but shall be collected, paid to and accounted
for by justices of the peace as prescribed in the preceding
sections; and no warrant shall be issued by the justices of the
peace to either constable'of the districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and
25, or to the sheriff of said county, on the oath or affirmation
of another constable or other officer, and no warrant shall be
issued by said justice to a constable or sheriff on the oath or
affirmation of any police officer of the town of Hagerstown ;
and when any warrant is issued by a justice of the peace on
the complaint, oath or affirmation of any constable, sheriff,
deputy sheriff or other officer, and such charge shall be dis-
missed, or the defendant acquitted, no fees in such cases shall
be allowed by the County Commissioners to any officer serving
such warrant or other process.
Section 265 I. The constables of the third, seventeenth,
to be paid.
twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth
districts of said county, for the service of all process and
summonses for witnesses made by them in criminal cases,
shall receive from the County Commissioners the sum of
thirty-five dollars per month, payable in cash, or county order
equivalent to cash, on the day of his making report, which he
is required to submit in writing to the County Commissioners