CHAP. 337
Office hour
Section 265 C. The justices of the peace appointed for the
districts constituting Hagerstown and vicinity shall each
attend at his office in Hagerstown every day (Sunday excepted)
at least from the hour of 9 o'clock A. M. until the hour of 12
o'clock, noon, and from the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. until the
hour of 4 o'clock P. M. And when notified by the State's
Attorney of Washington county or any officer of the peace of
said county, or by any police officer of Hagerstown, of any
criminal matter requiring prompt attention, the said justices
of the peace shall attend at their respective offices at such
other hours on every day or at night (Sunday and legal holi-
days included) as the public interest may require ; and neither
of said justices of the peace shall absent himself from Hagers-
town without having first arranged with the other of said
justices that he will be in attendance at his office as required
by law during such absence ; nor shall either of said justices
be absent from Hagerstown for more than three days consecu-
tively at any time without the written authority of the State's
Attorney of Washington county and of the Mayor of Hagers-
Section 265 D. The justices of the peace in and for districts
warrant shall
be issued.
3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25 shall have criminal jurisdiction of
offenses committed in any of the districts of said county,
cognizable by justice of the peace under the law, where com-
plaint is made before him, but no warrant of arrest shall be
issued by said justices of the peace except upon the oath or
affirmation of the person making complaint that an offense has.
been committed, and upon being satisfied, upon examination of
such person making complaint under oath, of the probable
truth of such charge.
Section 265 F. The justice of the peace in and for districts
to be made.
3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25 shall at the first regular meeting of
the County Commissioners held in each mouth make a report
in writing, verified under oath made before the clerk of said
commissioners, of all criminal cases heard or tried before them
during the preceding month, which report shall state in each
case the name of the defendant, the offense charged, the name
of the person upon whose complaint the warrant was issued,
the number of witnesses summoned, the name of the officer
serving the warrant and summons, the judgment rendered, the
amount of the fine or penalty imposed, the amount of costs
taxed, and the amount of the fine, penalty and costs collected
by them ; and all such fines, penalties and costs, including
constables' fees, which the said justices are hereby required to
collect, shall at the time of their making said reports be paid
to the order of said County Commissioners.