vicinity, two justices of the peace and three constables; No. 4,
two justices of the peace and two constables; No. 5, three
justices of the peace and two constables ; No. 6, two justices
of the peace and two constables ; No. 7, two justices of the
peace and two constables ; No. 8, two justices of the peace
and two constables ; No. 9, two justices of the peace and two
constables; No. 10, two justices of the peace and two
constables ; No. 11, two justices of the peace and two
constables; No. 12, two justices of the peace and two constables ;
No. 13, two justices of the peace and two constables ; No. 14,
two justices of the peace and two constables ; No. 15, two
justices of the peace and two constables ; No. 16, two justices
of the peace and two constables ; No. 18, two justices of the
peace and two constables ; No. 19, two justices of the peace
and two constables ; No. 20, two justices of the peace and two
constables ; No. 23, two justices of the peace and two constables.
CHAP. 167.
Section 265 A. The justices of the peace appointed from
and for districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25, constituting Hagers-
town and vicinity, shall have, in addition to their duties as
justices of the peace of the State of Maryland, the enforce-
ment of the ordinances of said town.
Section 265 B. The justices of the peace appointed for
districts 3, 17, 21, 22, 24 and 25, before qualifying as such,
shall each give bond to the State of Maryland in a penalty
of one thousand dollars, with a surety or sureties to be
approved by the clerk of the Circuit Court for Washington
County, conditioned that he will well and faithfully perform,
and execute the duties and obligations of the office of justice
of the peace, and that he will account for and pay over to the
County Commissioners of Washington County all fines, penal-
ties, forfeitures and costs imposed by him and which he shall
receive for or on account of criminal offenses tried before
him, under the provisions of the Code of Public General Laws
and Code of Public Local Laws, and that he will account for
and pay over to the tax collector of Hagerstown all fines,
penalties, forfeitures and costs imposed by him and which he,
shall receive for or on account of offenses against the ordi-,
nances of Hagerstown, and that he will well and truly account,
for and pay over to the person, persons, corporation or corpo-
rations entitled to the same, all money coming into his hands,
for or on account of any business pertaining to or connected
with his office. And the bond of the said justice of the
to be given .
peace shall be liable at the suit of the State of Maryland for
the use of the County Commissioners of Washington county
and of the Mayor and Council o'f Hagerstown and of any-
person, persons, corporation or corporations entitled under,
any default of said condition.
Bond liable.