No. 184. An act to repeal Sections fourteen and fifteen of Article forty-
seven of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Insolvents," and to
re-enact the same with an amendment.................................
No. 185. An act to amend an act passed at the January session of the
General Assembly in 1894 (Laws of Maryland, 1894, chapter 129,) en-
titled an act to authorize the Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, in the city and precinct of Baltimore, to acquire land for the
enlargement of Mount Olive Cemetery, and to sell the land now held
or that may hereafter be acquired by it for the purpose of a cemetery...
No. 186. An act to repeal section 46, as repealed and re-enacted by chap-
ter 487 of the acts passed at the January session, 1890, and to repeal
sections fifty:six, sixty-eight, and seventy-five of article 10 of the Code
and to re-enact the same with amendments ...........................
No. 187. An act to add a new section to article 19 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "St. Mary's County," sub-title "County Commission-
ers," to follow section 34, and to be designated as section 84A..........
No. 188. An act to appropriate a certain sum of money for the aid of
Washington College ............................................. ...
No. 189. An act to empower the Commissioners of the Village of Leon-
ardtown in St. Mary's county, to provide means for protecting said
village against fire, and to increase the rate of taxation on the assess-
able property in said village for said purpose .........................
No. 190. An act to sanction and make valid an assignment from the
Trustees cf the Auschey Chesod Bialestock Hebrew Congregation of
Baltimore city, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the
State of Maryland, to the Trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew
Congregation of Baltimore city, a corporation duly incorporated under
the laws of the State of Maryland, dated April 17th, 1894, and assign-
ing all the property of all and every kind of the said Trustees of the
Auschey Chesed Bialestock Hebrew Congregation of Baltimore city, a
corporation duly incorporated under the Laws of the State of Mary-
land, to the said Trustees of the Ohel Jacob Vishayer Hebrew Congre-
gation of Baltimore city, a corporation duly incorporated under the
laws of the State of Maryland..................... ........... ......
No. 191. An act to authorize the "Gwynn's Falls Railway Company of
Baltimore County," a body corporate, duly incorporated under the
laws of this State, to lay tracks upon the county roads in Baltimore
county, and in the twenty-first ward of Baltimore city.................
No. 192. An act to incorporate the "Trustees of the General Conference
of the Methodist Protestant Church" .................................
No. 198. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Kent county
to provide for the building of a Public School House in Chestertown,
and to issue bonds to pay for the same, and to levy an annual sum to
pay such bonds and the interest thereon as they mature................
No. 194. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, sections 54 and
56 of article 48 of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Health,"
sub-title "Practitioners of Medicine," and to add additional sections
thereto, to be designated as sections 61, 62, 63 and 64 of said article......
No. 195. An act to enable the legal voters of Wicomico County, or any
election district or town or city of said county, to determine, by election
whether or not fermented, spirituous or fermented liquors shall be sold
in the said county, or in any election district, town or city of said
county.............................................. ................