No. 170. An act to appropriate a sum of money to meet the additional
hundred and ninety-six ..............................................
No. 171. An act to add to article twenty-two of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "Washington County," sub-title "Hagerstown," certain sec-
188 E, 182 F, 188 G, 182 H...............................................
No. 172. An act to repeal section two of chapter 310 of the acts of
Assembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled
"an act prescribing the regulations and conditions upon which the
Board of Public Works shall sell the State's interest in all works of
Improvement........ ................................................
No. 173. An Ret to change the name of Brooklyn Water and Light Com-
pany of Anne Arundel county, and to amend, define and enlarge the
powers of said corporation...........................................
No. 174. An act to pay to the School Commissioners of Garrett county, a
sum of money out of the State School Tax.............................
No. 175. An act to amend and extend the charter of the Mutual Fire
Insurance Company in Baltimore county..............................
Mo. 176. An act to permit the City and Suburban Railway Company to
lay its tracks upon Wilkens Avenue from Baltimore City limits to
Beechfleld avenue, and such other streets, roads or avenue in Baltimore
county, as they shall receive the consent of the County Commissioners
to use and occupy such streets, road or avenue.........................
No. 177. An act to amend article eleven of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick County," by inserting after section
451, under a new sub-title to be designated "Treasurer," certain addi-
tional sections to be known as 451 A, 451 B, 451 C and 451 D, providing a
County Treasurer for Frederick County, in the place of the Collector of
State and County Taxes for Frederick county, making said office elect-
ive by the voters of said county, and denning the powers and duties of
said office...........................................................
No. 178. An act to incorporate the town of Ridgely, Caroline County,
Maryland ...........................................................
No. 179. An act to authorize and empower the Mayor and Council of
Rockville to borrow money on the credit of said town for the purpose
of constructing water works for said town, to issue bonds for the pay-
ment of the same, and to levy taxes on the assessable property of
said town to redeem said bonds, and pay the interest thereon...........
No 180. An act to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of spirit-
uous or fermented liquor or lager beer at Public School House number
five (Lickersville) in election district number one, in Frederick county,
Maryland, or at anyplace within said Frederick County within two
miles of said school house.............................................
Ho. 181. An act to repeal sections 83 and 34 of Article 28 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, tille "Wicomico County," sub-title
"Delmar," as amended by chapter 449 of the Acts of Assembly of 1894,
and to re-enact the same with amendments............................
No. 188. An act to appropriate a sum of money for the purpose of making
repairs and additions to the furniture of, and procuring articles neces-
sary .for the use of the Executive Mansion.............................
No. 188. An act to authorize and empower the Judges of the Circuit
Court for Carroll County to appoint a Court Stenographer.............