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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 900   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 196. An act to prohibit the issuing of any license for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer within a mile of Public
School No. 2, located at Evergreen, in the Ninth Election District of
Baltimore County, and to prevent the sale of all kinds of intoxicating


drinks in the above described limits............ ......................
No. 197. An act to authorize the Baltimore and Gunpowder Railroad
Company to use electricity as a motor-power on the Philadelphia road,


in Baltimore County, and to construct an electric railway thereon, ....
No. 198. An act to amend Article 8 of the Code of Public Local Laws of
Maryland, title "Cecil County," sub-title "North East," by adding two


additional sections thereto, to be known as sections 195 D and 195 E.....
No. 199. An act to extend the privileges and enlarge the powers of the
Shanahan and Wrightson Hardware Company of Talbot County, a cor-


poration duly incorporated under the General Laws of this State.......
No. 300. An act to make valid and effectual and legalize the official acts
of Daniel L. Shue, late Justice of the Peace of the State of Maryland,
in Election District Number Fifteen of Alleghauy County, done and


office had expired..... ..................................................
No. 301. An act to require the School Commissioners of Allegany
County to pay the salaries of Public School teachers in said county


No. 203. An act to repeal Article 33, entitled "Elections," of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, and the several Acts and parts of
Acts, amendatory thereto, and to re-enact the said Article 33 with




more City....... ....................................................

No. 204. An act to amend the charter and incorporation of Forest Lake


Cemetery of Prince George's County, by enlarging its power and dura-
tion............................................. ....................
No. 295. An act to provide for general Indices of certain Records in the


office of the Register of Wills for Queen Anne's county................
No. 206. An act to repeal section fourteen of chapter two hundred and
twenty-nine of the acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed
at the session of eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "an act to
incorporate the Mutual Fire Insurance Company in Calvert County,"


and to re-enact the same with amendments .................... ......
No. 207. An act to repeal section 52 of article 52 of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Justices of the Peace," sub-title "Supersedeas and


Execution," and to .re-enact the same with amendments ...............
No. 208. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Baltimore
County to borrow a sum of money, not to exceed one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars, for the purpose of paying off the indebtedness of
said county, and to levy and collect the necessary taxes for the pay-


ment of the sum borrowed and the interest thereon....................
No. 209. An act to empower the County Commissioners of Calvert
county, to levy a sum of money for the building of an additional room
to School House Number Three for Colored Children, near Mutual
Post-Office, in Election District number one, precinct number two in


Calvert county.......................................................
No. 210. An act to authorize the Governor to appoint an additional Jus-
tice of the Peace in the First Election District of Cecil county, Mary-


land .............................................. ...............


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Session Laws, 1896 Session
Volume 475, Page 900   View pdf image (33K)
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